I'm reading my favorit-est book, Twilight. Reading about Bella Swan who fell in love with Edward Cullen. Twilight, the inescapable phenomenon that is the vampire love story that is so loved...
And so hated. It saddens me, really, that there are haters; that there are people who want to stay away from fantasy, afraid that if they give it a chance they might actually end up believing in it. They'd rather stay grounded, stick to reality. Cowards. I'd rather believe. I'd rather live in fairyland. Its about taking the leap of faith. It saddens me that so many people are afraid to do that.
This isn't your average definition of what is intellectual, they think. It’s just a silly story that a silly girl thought of. Her fantasies. Condensed in prose. In the form of an ill-famed bestseller storybook.
But I’m not here to defend the popular Edward Cullen against the haters. This isn’t meant to act as a saviour against the vandalism for Twilight and for Edward. What I do want to defend is the act of believing. Because I don't think it is un-intellectual to believe.
As children, we believed a lot. We believed in Santa Claus, we believed in magic tricks, we believed in the power of good over evil, we believed the princess always got her prince. What happened to all that belief along the way? We grew up and it is annoying and extremely depressing to me that a lot of us today seem to have forgotten how to believe anymore.
If this is what growing up does to you, I urge you, haters, to please un-grow, to un-learn. Believing is like a primal instinct but you've buried it under all this tarnish - all the many years of wisdom that education and the society has brought on you. Uncover it! Let it shine!
It's in you, somewhere. I think we all fantasize about an Edward or a Bella. I think we all want him or her in our lives. We’re always on the look out. It's out constant subterfuge. We hope. We know, from history, from legends, that hope kills. Remember Pandora’s box? But we hope, in spite of it all. And then, we give up. Like some of my erstwhile friends. They think there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. “Compromise!”, they say, before you‘re too late and end up a spinster in your fifties, just waiting endlessly. They've grown up, forgotten how to believe. And I don’t like it. I belong to the other group: The believers.
I say: Believe! Think of Peter Pan and of Wendy! “I do believe in fairies! I do, I do!” Belief can cure all. Believe. And maybe the impossible will happen! Don’t give up! Your Edward or your Bella is out there, just about on the verge of losing hope, like you are! Don’t! Cause if you do, there’s nothing to keep you going. It will happen. He or she will come. The reality around you is a farce and it’s killing you. All your childhood dreams, all your aspirations are dying a slow death, everyday. So forget reality. Forget being wise or rational or intellectual. Forget the prejudice. Take the leap! Believe!
Edward, I wait.
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